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WCAEA June Lecture News Report



Report-WCAEA Summer Online Lecture in June


To promote art education and serve worldwide Chinese art educators, the International Affairs Division of the World Chinese Art Education Association (WCAEA) organized a series of online lectures amid the COVID-19 in Summer 2020. “Global Conversation” is the theme of WCAEA’s first experimental online lecture series, which highlights its international connections and relationships with world Chinese art educators and alliances in other countries and regions. With both Chinese- and English-speaking translation service, the June lecture “WCAEA Global Conversation: Arts Education in Local Contexts” was held via Zoom and live streaming via Facebook on June 27th at 6 a.m. in the US west coast, 4 p.m. in Turkey, and 9 p.m. in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

在疫情蔓延全球的2020年夏季,本着推广艺术教育无远弗届,积极服务华人美术教育家的原则,世界华人美术教育协会国际部举办暑期线上公益讲座系列。为了服务全球各地的观众,第一场世界华人美育:国际多元对话“ 于6月27日,准时在美西上午6点,土耳其下午4点,东亚晚上9点开始。

Regardless of living in different locations and time zones, the art teachers' passion for learning is never diminished. Not only did Chinese art teachers across the world join the meeting but also non-Chinese speaking audiences from various countries attended it. To ensure the quality of the live streaming and interactions between the guest speakers and attendees, the lecture offered limited seats up to 100 people. In the meantime, the live streaming on Facebook in just a few hours has been watched by nearly a thousand people.


Below is an image of presenters:


The Director of the International Affairs Division, Dr. Yiwen Wei, on behalf of WCAEA announced the opening of the online lecture series and welcomed the attendees. She stated that this lecture highlighted the collaborative effort and knowledge exchanges among members between WCAEA and its alliances through technologies.


Dr. Yichien Cooper, the President of WCAEA, then introduced the historical origins of WCAEA. In her speech, Dr. Cooper affirmed that the WCAEA online lecture series has provided art educators with a great learning opportunity for professional development in a creative way, regardless of time and location. She emphasized that in this difficult time of the global pandemic, even though most of the schools and courses have been suspended, art educators are making good use of technologies to strengthen the connections between people across the geographical boundaries, to advance online teaching skills, and to promote potential uses of technologies in art education.


Mr. Tang Hui Boon, President of the Malaysian Junior Art Education Association (MYJAEA), advocated that art education should reflect and resonate with local culture, especially in Malaysia, a trilingual and multicultural country. The purpose of MYJAEA is not only to raise public awareness of multicultural art education but also to enhance children’s international cultural literacy through arts educational activities. Since it was established in 2004, MYJAEA has been working on integrating local cultures into arts education. From art festivals to art lectures, MYJAEA promotes collaboration between art teachers, schools, and communities through the work of its selfless and dedicated art educators.


Then, in addition to introducing Turkey’s mandatory secondary and primary art education policies, Dr. Vedat Özsoy, Former President of the Turkish Visual Arts Education Association (GÖRSED), emphasized the importance of social responsibility advocated by the association. His viewpoint is different from that of Dr. Hayden II. Dr. Özsoy believes that the association can provide arts education services to students in more flexible and inclusive ways than what a state, a government, or an institution could do to achieve the goals of civic education.

接着,韦达.奥斯威博士 (土耳其国家艺术教育协会前主席)除了分享土耳其的国高中小学的制式艺术教育外,他首先提到艺术教育协会的“隐性社会责任”。他的看法和 海登二世博士不同,他认为由协会来协助提供艺术教育服务,会比国家,政府或其他官方机构来得有弹性,更能达到社会教育的广泛效果。

As the world councilor in the Asian Region of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA), Dr. Yungshan Hung shared the concept of holistic education through art. She depicted the interrelationship between the local and the personal, the global and the interpersonal, and the future and the public in the art. She believes that art education can raise people’s awareness of the relationship between their inner selves, others, and the surroundings. Through this way, art education can stimulate creativity and critical thinking, and enhance the functioning of society.

洪詠善博士 (国际艺术教育协会亚洲区代表 )代表国际艺术教育协会倡导透过艺术达成全人教育的目的。她从个人的、人际的、公众的角度出发,说明艺术的在地性、全球性、未来性。她认为美术教育应提升人与自己、人与他人、人与自然环境的审美感知能力,进而激发创作思维,改善社会。

Dr. Robert Hayden II, Former President of the Association of Cultural Offices in Philippine Educational Institutions, Inc. (ACOPEI) shared their experiences of working with government agencies to better promote art education that aligns with their values and goals.

He suggested the strategies ACOPEI used include branding, integrating resources across platforms, and collaborating with art markets, to provide a variety of channels and collaborative opportunities for schools and performing artists.


The last presenter Ms. Sheng Guo, a representative of China Social Art Education Alliance (CSAEA), on behalf of Prof. Jingru Ma (Founder of CSAEA) shared the work that CSAEA has done for promoting aesthetic education in schools, families, and society at large. During the pandemic, for example, the alliance called for artworks expressing the thoughts of children, teachers, and parents across China about their lives to encourage positive thinking and strengthen the connections between people. SCAEA plays an important role in promoting family education and social education through art education.


During the lecture, WCAEA received many messages and comments from the audiences. Dr. Enid Zimmerman, Professor Emerita of Art Education and High Ability Education at Indiana University, also the WCAEA international advisor, attended the lecture. She acknowledged WCAEA’s efforts to organize the online lecture series during the global pandemic for strengthening the connections among Chinese art teachers around the world. She said, "This is a very good event! Congratulations to the organizing committee!" Mr. Zhixiong Jian, a school principal, also joined our lecture from Canada. He commented, "Thank you for sharing! WCAEA did a great job in connecting people and gaining popularity through technologies and the internet. Art education could be everywhere regardless of time, space, and geographic boundaries!"

演讲过程中,世华收到很多观众留言感谢,来自美国的世华国际顾问Enid Zimmerman教授全程参与讲座,她特别赞赏世华在面对全球疫情期间,努力加强世界华人美术教师彼此联结的用心,她更说:“这是一个非常好的活动,恭喜办理讲座的工作人员!“ 远自加拿大连线的简志雄校长也说: “感谢分享!世华让艺术教育运用科技,突破时空、国界,牵系起大家的关注与交流!”

The participants raised many meaningful questions. We provide a few questions here to encourage everyone to think about:

1) How to strengthen the connection between local and international art teachers?

2) How to promote art education in more effective and meaningful ways?

3) How to break the barriers of language and time through the Internet during the pandemic and further improve cultural exchanges between different ethnic groups?

4) How to promote an art curriculum that enhances the integration between art and life since the connections between them are closely related and increasingly important?

5) How to further integrate aesthetic education with art education?

会后的提问与讨论中,很多与会者提出相当具有意义的问题。专家们也竭尽所能分享彼此的看法。我们在此提供几个提问,鼓励大家思考 :






Below is the image of participants who stayed till the end of the lecture:


We are very grateful to you for attending the online lecture! Your participation is a great support to us! We are excited to announce our next lecture in July, “Global Conversation: Elementary Arts Education.” We will have five in-service elementary school art teachers with rich teaching experiences in art education to share their knowledge with us.

世华国际部十分感谢参与讲座的听众!您们的参与和支持是世华进步的动力! 7月份的讲座题目为“小学美术教育“,将邀请五个在华人小学美育中教学经验丰富的在职国小美术教师与大家分享。

We look forward to seeing you again in the July lecture!


(The Organizing Committee of the WCAEA Summer Online Lecture: Yichien Cooper, Oh Moo Tan, Yiwen Wei, Yang Deng, Cheng Xu, Queck Mei Chien, YuChih Wu, Elvis Liau.)


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