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Aesthetic and Community

A Review of WCAEA Social Aesthetic Education Case Studies Seminar


Editor's Note:

The Social Aesthetic Education Committee of the World Chinese Arts Education Association (WCAEA) hosted A Symposium on Case Studies Concerning Social Art and Aesthetic Education on December 11, 2021. Collaborated with Cyan Art, WCAEA Social Aesthetic Education Committee created a review of the Symposium that includes local and international, innovative, and inspiring cases. Cyan Art is an organization that is committed to the development of contemporary art, focuses and supports the promotion and publicity of social aesthetic education. This review includes both English and Chinese presentation abstracts, and also a full video of the Symposium. WCAEA International Affairs Division created a special page for this review to share with our communities of artists and art educators. . For those who missed the Symposium, you can now watch a replay in the below video, shared through Tencent Video. The video is in Mandarin. For both English and Chinese presentation abstracts, please see the rest of the page.


世界华人美术教育协会社会美育专委会于2021年12月11日在线上举行了“社会美育个案分享交流学术研讨会”,并且与青艺术空间合作,以回顾的形式整理了一份中英文讲座摘要, 分享了来自海内外不同地区的精彩个案及最新成果。青艺术空间致力于当代艺术发展,同时关注与支持社会美育的推广与宣传工作。这次整理的回顾不仅有中英文介绍,还提供整个研讨会的视频回放。世华国际部将该回顾制作成专页,分享给海内外艺术教育者。以下中文视频包含所有讲座内容,双语文字摘要在后面。

Purpose of the meeting:

A Symposium on Case Studies Concerning Social Art and Aesthetic Education focuses on Chinese rural revitalization that is contextualized within globalization and urbanization. This symposium also aims to advocate the comprehensive social function of multicultural art education for mutual appreciation and communication on art inheritance. Invited presenters share experiences of art reinventing rural areas in communities of Macao, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Chengyu, Guizhou, Fujian, and other areas in China. They introduce intangible cultural heritage education and multiple case studies on art galleries, museums, and social and cultural institutions.



          世界华人美术教育协会社会美育专委会 主办的“社会美育个案分享交流学术研讨会”,以着眼于全球化视野下的国际理解与国内乡村振兴,在城镇化背景下发挥多元艺术文化的社会综合功能,达到艺术互鉴与传承交流为主旨,通过澳门社区,內蒙古、宁夏、成渝、贵州和福建等艺术重塑乡村,非遗文化传承的经验介绍,分享对海内外美术、博物馆和社会文化机构的多层次美术教育的个案经验。

(视频可满屏观看, 如果视频无法播放,请点击这里

You can watch this video on full screen. If not playing, please click here.

Opening Remarks:

Dr. Youyun Zhang 张幼云博士

Professor and graduate student advisor of Art Education College at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (GAFA), director of China Art Education Southern Research Center, evaluation expert of National Compulsory Education Curriculum Standard Textbook and the Degree Center of the Ministry of Education, and president of the World Chinese Arts Education Association. (Speech time frame on the video is 00:02-00:13)



Dear speakers and friends of the audience who participated in the seminar online:

The ongoing construction of the Social Aesthetic Education Research Sector of the World Chinese Arts Education Association launched their first online seminar, namely A Symposium on Case Studies Concerning Social Art and Aesthetic Education. I want to give my warmest congratulations to the organizers!

Social aesthetic education is a type of education concerning aesthetics that closely links to and permeates our daily and social life. From rural revitalization to the development of aesthetic culture in urban communities, from art galleries and museums to various off-campus art training, it has remarkable developing space, providing a wide range of assets for social aesthetic educators. The Social Aesthetic Education Research Sector of the World Chinese Arts Education has extensive connections with art, aesthetics, and culture educators who serve as unique intellectual resources at home and abroad. Your creativity and hard work will bring a new phase to the world of Chinese social aesthetic education. The Committee will become an essential engine for the innovation of aesthetic education in Chinese societies and the world. It will bring distinctive oriental brilliance to the development of social aesthetic education in the global-ecological environment. To achieve this goal, we need forerunners who have a high level of intellectual wisdom actively leading the direction in exchanging cultures and ideas. I wish the first Symposium on Case Studies Concerning Social Art and Aesthetic Education a complete success!







Dr. Baugeri Leto 包格日乐吐博士

Professor and doctoral advisor of the School of Art and Design at Hainan University, and former dean of the School of Art at Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities.



Research on Revitalizing Regional Economy and Promoting Sustainable Development through Art.

(Speech time frame on the video is 00:16-00:25)



To beautify the countryside and modernize agricultural and rural areas in the middle of this century, the eastern region of Inner Mongolia started the mission by building a modern tourism area. Utilizing contemporary art and design concepts, we integrated sightseeing services, ethnic traditional handicraft production, local specialty product sales, intangible cultural heritage training, and online trading into the tourism area. These integrated services can promote the “three industries” (agriculture, manufacturing, and service) and radiate to the surrounding tourist areas, laying the foundation for building an open modern tourist network in this region. These services can further contribute to the modernization of the rural regions and enrich "artistic wisdom" for the local community.





Dr. Hsiu-Chu Hsu 徐秀菊博士

Dean and professor of Colleges of the Arts at Taiwan Dong Hwa University and former president of the School of Arts at Macau Polytechnic University.


Aesthetic and Community: Five Senses Experience of Community-Based Cultural and Creative Industries.

(Speech time frame on the video is 00:27 -00:34)


1. In November 2017, Macau became the "Gourmet Capital,” and through the combination of food, cultural creativity, five-senses experience, and tourism, a new trend in social aesthetic education was formed.

2. In 2017, Macau advocated the combination of community economy and community of cultural and creative industries with food and cultural creation. Art and design are one way to advocate.

3. Old communities, traditional food, and old shops are declining and facing survival challenges. How to properly utilize art and design to enhance the community atmosphere and promote cultural creativity and conservation? This presentation puts forward several cultural and creative value-added strategies for traditional shops and food, local community and environment, and communication and exhibition.


对应视频中讲话时间为00:27 -00:34)


1、 2017年11月澳门成为 “美食之都”, 借由美食、文创、五感体验和旅游的结合,形成社会美育的新趋势.
2、2017年澳门提倡 “社区经济” 与 “社区文创” 及美食与文创结合,艺术与设计是实践的方式之一.


Feng Li 李峰

Deputy director of the Chinese Painting Department in the School of Design and Art at North Minzu University.


Rural Revitalization through Art - The Project of Wonderland Art Village of Helan Mountain.

(Speech time frame on the video is 00:37-00:46)


To beautify and innovate Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR) and to promote the revitalization of rural culture, Ningxia has formed the first artist gathering place—“Wonderland Art Village of Helan Mountain.” which officially kicked off on May 1, 2021- From the ecological immigration of Xihaigu to the co-construction of art ecology, from the integration of regional art resources to the alliance of local artists, and from the desert to the art ecology on the border, the town has been living in the name of art symbiosis. Several art institutions, such as Helan Mountain Art Museum, Elephant Art Commune, Red Ribbon Art Museum, and artist studios jointly launched art village public education activities, including research tours, young artist support programs, and artist residency projects. So far, 31 art institutions have been established, constructing the art village and developing new formats.





建设美丽新宁夏,促进乡村文化振兴,从西海固生态移民到艺术生态共建,从地域性艺术资源整合到本土艺术家联盟;从沙漠出发到边界上的艺术生态学,以艺术之名与小镇共生,宁夏形成了首个艺术家聚合地“贺兰山天籁艺术村”,于2021年5月1日正式拉开帷幕。贺兰山美术馆、大象艺术公社、红飘带艺术馆、艺术家工作室共同开启艺术村公教活动,以及研学游、青年艺术家扶持计划与艺术家驻留项目等,至今已落成了31家艺术机构,共同构筑艺术村发展新业态 。

Tianxiang Wang 王天祥 

Executive Deputy Dean of the Art and Rural Research Institute of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, member of the Art Theory Teaching Committee of the Ministry of Education, and director of the Chongqing Artists Association.


Art Scene: Willow Shade Plan of Village Community Art.

(Speech time frame on the video is 00:48-00:56)


Contemporary art is facing the transformation of creation, theory, and education. Willow Shade Plan of Village Community Art is a practical case of this change. After the "small history" of art's participation in rural construction, the three contexts of art's involvement in rural construction, namely "the matrix of consanguinity blood and kinship, the field of ecological nature, and the activation of traditional culture,” are gradually developed. The Willow Shade Plan of Village Community Art is becoming the epitome and representation of social art that is problem-oriented, participation-oriented, and construction-oriented.





Prof. Xiaolu Zhang 张小鹭教授

Prof. Xiaolu Zhang studied at the Musashino University of Fine Arts in Japan, vice president of Li Keran Academy of painting, director of Shihua Special Committee for Social Aesthetic Education, expert of the Education Committee of China Art Museum, professor and  former vice president of the school of art at Xiamen University, an academic member of Xiamen University, and foreign researcher of Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan.

张小鹭教授曾留学日本武藏野美术大学,李可染画院副院长,世华社会美育专委会主任,中国美术馆教委专家,厦门大学艺术学院教授、(曾)  副院长,厦门大学学术委员  日本东京艺术大学外国人研究员。


Pick Up Missing Parts - School Running Strategy of Li Keran Painting Academy for Off-campus Art.

(Speech time frame on the video is 01:08-01:17)


1. Li Keran academy pays attention to the internal relationship between Chinese and Western painting art, studies and grasps the East and the West's aesthetic and practical technical expression from traditional inheritance to modern development, striving to find its internal integration and relevance.

2. Innovate and expand the curriculum and teaching content, expand the breadth and depth of education, add introductory courses suitable for the times, and fill the gap and vacancy of professional college education in China.

3. Using the contemporary educational methodology and in the form of subject research, we pursue the teaching situation of multi-dimensional development. Pay attention to the development of modern oriental frontier painting performance (such as the exploration of new Japanese painting) and create a research environment of contemporary activation (making the past serve the present) in the educational link of learning Chinese and Western classical, traditional expression techniques.

4. Innovate teaching evaluation, hold the research achievement exhibition of students in the art museum, and provide a public platform for horizontal and vertical, multi-dimensional objective experts assessment and society.

5. By inviting diverse teachers and students, we went to the east and west to sketch and experience life at home and abroad and carried out in-depth professional investigation abroad and on-site copying of classic domestic murals.

6. Actively connect with various cross-cultural art exchanges and often hold international multi-style public welfare network public lectures to expand the space and influence of social art education continuously.










Dr. Michael Cavayero  柯伟业博士

Postdoctoral research fellow of the International Exchange Program of the South Asian Studies Department in the School of Foreign Languages at Peking University, assistant researcher of the Center for Buddhist Texts and Art at Peking University, and guest lecturer of the International College of China Academy of Art.


Flourishing Ages Eulogized through Chinese -Paintings: The Significance of Studying Ancient Chinese Painting Literature to Modern Chinese Painting Education

(Speech time frame on the video is 01:21-01:31)


The presenter introduced several early Chinese paintings, such as Notes on Famous Paintings of the Past Dynasties, and explained its inspirations to the current art education. Digging into the core contents of early literature can enhance the values within the core aesthetic and ideological theory of Chinese art history. Although these painting literatures are ancient, their core contents still significantly influence modern art education theory and practice.







Prof. Weiqing Li 李蔚青教授 

Professor and thesis advisor at Xiamen University and visiting scholar at Savannah College of Art and Design, U.S.



Basic Design Education and Contemporary Socialization Practice and Significance.

(Speech time frame on the video is 01:32-01:42)


First, primary design education expands teaching methods and contents. Second, the core of primary design education is on application. Basic design education should keep changing with social development. Third, case studies exemplify primary design teaching and social practice. Fourth, the relationship between the cutting-edge design of different community spaces and contemporary art forms is explored.






Xiaqing Zhang 张夏清 

Yao Wang 王瑶 

President of Cyan-Art, Xiamen, and student of the curatorial advanced research class in the School of Experimental Art at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.



Contemporary Social Significance of Art Space-Alternative Perspective of Ink and Wash: Analysis and Insight of Three Symbolic Artists.

(Speech time frame on the video is 01:45-01:53)


1.  Studies of Jiang Chenchen’s calligraphy (Ph.D. in Physics, Malaysia).

2.  A different presentation of Chinese ink and wash: “The Boat with No Tie” by Yu Xiaogang. The artist participated in launching the Xiamen Dada modern art movement in 1985 and is currently engaged in artistic creation in Australia and China.

3.  Transformation of Modernity in Writing Li Weiqing’s Ink and Wash: The artist is a university professor with a philosophy of combining Chinese and Western styles. In his new concept, he transforms writing into profound modernity and social meaning. The artwork focuses on the perception of the words “demolition” and “movement” to re-awaken people’s deep understanding of different aesthetics and the development of the times.

《艺术空间的当代社会性意义——水墨的另一视角  三位艺术家典型案例的分析与启示》



  1. 加拿大物理学博士、马来西亚籍 江真诚 先生的书法作品探究;

  2. ---余晓刚作品》。作者曾于1985年参与发起“厦门达达”现代美术运动,现今常年在澳大利亚和中国之间切换,从事艺术创作;


Doctoral candidate at Taiwan University, associate professor at the Xiamen University of Technology, the person in charge of the national first-class curriculum, and expert of the national first-class curriculum of the Ministry of Education.


Design in Rural Areas: Rural Services Provided by Education in Colleges and Universities – Cultural and Creative Product Design Based on Children’s Hands-on Inquiry-Based Learning in Peitian Village.

(Speech time frame on the video is 01:55-02:03)


This case is a result effectively linking aesthetic education in colleges and universities and traditional cultural resources in rural areas., Based on the strategy of national rural revitalization, Design in Rural Areas is one of the Innovation Training Projects for College Students, in which social services are provided by aesthetic education in colleges and universities. The project site is located in Peitian Village, a national historical and cultural village.  This project focuses on inheriting and innovating excellent Chinese tradition through aesthetic education and culture. It allows college students to establish cultural self-confidence and brings aesthetic awareness to children. It helps the industry-academia development in rural areas. It also  reduces the binary opposition between urban and rural areas, to benefit aesthetic education for college students and rural and urban children.





Dr. Longling Yu 于龙玲博士


Executive curator of Museum of Chinese Art in Spain (MACh), and vice president of Tsinghua Alumni Association in Spain.



The Role and Function of Museum of Chinese Art in Spain (MACh) in Exchange Between China and Spain.

(Speech time frame on the video is 02:19-02:28)



Museum of Chinese Art in Spain (MACh) is the only Chinese art museum in Spain, working devotedly to advocating Chinese culture and art overseas. Culture

and art as a medium stimulate exchange between the two governments and their people and encourage cooperation in culture and art, education, technology, economy and trade, and medical care between the two countries. The exchange and collaboration seek mutual development to promote splendid civilization in China and Spain. The role and function of the museum in the exchange between China

and Spain and the future vision are explained through collections, events, and advertising campaigns.





Fen Guo 郭玢 

Prof. Jie Li   李洁教授 

Ph.D. student in the Institute of Education at University College London, and teaching assistant for graduate courses in Early Years and Primary Education.


Developing Participatory Art Education for Children in Traditional Art Galleries- A Case Study of a Family Day Event at Dulwich Picture Gallery in London.

(Speech time frame on the video is 02:29-02:44)



This case study aims to discuss the meaning of "relation" to art activities and the potentials and challenges of developing art education for children in traditional art galleries. The case is taken from Dulwich Picture Gallery in South London to introduce and analyze the activities of art education for children and families at art galleries in London. The study sums up six successful experiences in family activities at the gallery, especially parent-child activities for young children.     





本案例旨在讨论“关联性”对艺术教育活动的意义,以及在传统美术馆中开展儿童艺术教育的潜力与挑战,并以伦敦南部的杜尔维治美术馆(Dulwich Picture Gallery)为例,介绍与分析伦敦的美术馆在面向儿童及其家庭的艺术教育方面展开的活动,总结出六条该馆在家庭活动,尤其是面向幼儿的亲子活动中的成功经验。

Professor, dean, and thesis advisor at Guizhou Normal University Tongren College, Guizhou, member of Guizhou's Steering Committee on Teaching Arts in Higher Education, member of the Committee of Art Education, member of China Artists Association, and a famous provincial teacher in Guizhou.



Research on Inheritance and Innovation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Contextualized by Rural Cultural Revitalization:

A Case Study of Training for Inheritors of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Guizhou.

(Speech time frame on the video is 02:46 to 02:53)

Being a region and a province that contains the most intact and abundant intangible cultural heritage in China, Guizhou,launched a graded, categorized, and classified training program for intangible cultural heritage in 2016 Tongren College is one of first group of intangible cultural heritage training universities in Guizhou The training focuses on regional economic development by inheriting tradition, preserving the origin, improving production, enhancing quality, and enriching communities  It uses rural revitalization strategy to expand ethnic handicrafts, intangible cultural heritage training, and research, that connects active integration, comprehensive support, and innovation, This strategt creates a collaboration model bridging universities and enterprises. Universities combine  “franchise + training + cooperation + start-up” and adopt the “company + farmer” approach to create a platform to cooperate with enterprises. This platform promotes the development of cultural industry in ethnic minority areas, to stimulate the revitalization of rural culture, effectively transform Guizhou’s advantages of ethnic, cultural, and art resources into new advantages in the industry. Such strategy, namely, One Village One Produce, enhances economic development, injecting new vitality into the revitalization of rural communities. 






Dr. Lin Zhang  张琳博士 

Prof. Shaochun Yin  尹少淳教授

Ph.D. student at the University of Exeter, UK, author of “Art Lessons in Museums,” and founder of Delin Aesthetics and Children’s Art Center.

英国埃克赛特(University of Exeter)艺术学院博士生,《博物馆中的美术课》图书作者,德琳美学儿童艺术中心创始人

How to Realize Museum Education Through “Cross-border” Cooperation? (Speech time frame on the video is 02:55-03:01)

Case Study 1. Museum educational activities organized by institutions outside school; Case Study 2. Museum projects organized by academia;

Case Study 3. Educational exhibition projects organized by museums.            







Professor and doctoral advisor in the College of Fine Arts at Capital Normal University, member of the Art Education Committee of the Ministry of Education, member of the College Aesthetic Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, and leader of the Basic Education Art Course Standard Development Group of the Ministry of Education.



(Speech time frame on the video is 03:06-03:13)

I am pleased to be invited by Director Zhang Xiaolu to participate in the Symposium hosted by the Social Aesthetic Education Research Sector of the World Chinese Arts Education Association (WCAEA). By listening to all the presentations, I understand the meaning and extension of Social Aesthetic Education. We generally divide the field of art education into school art education, social art education, and family art education. However, all the divisions are still interconnected.

I come to this Symposium to meet old friends and get to know new friends. More importantly, I want to acquire further theoretical and practical information about arts education from all the presenters. I am mainly engaged in-school arts education, but at the same time, I am in charge of the Children's Art Committee of the China Artists Association, so I am also well-concerned to off-school arts education and social arts education.

I have participated in and supported the Dandelion Rural Volunteer Teaching Action, which has been running for 19 years. For this action, I have visited many villages in China and distinctly experienced rural areas in China, rural education in China, and rural arts education in China. Therefore, I can sense the value and meaning of social arts education today. It is wise for the World Chinese Arts Education Association (WCAEA) to establish social arts education sector. I look forward to seeing more people paying attention to and participate in social arts education who promotes more theories and practices that contributed to this important field.







Closing Remarks:

Dr. Xiaolu Zhang Concluding the symposium:

(Speech time frame on the video is 03:14-03:18)

Thirteen speakers shared excellent case studies in this Symposium. These case studies showed their achievements in cross-cultural and artistic exchanges in the context of Chinese social progress. It reveals the “Belt and Road Initiative” in the age of internationalization and the invaluable qualities of exploration in the promotion of social aesthetic education, rural revitalization, and community development.

There is still much more to do to improve and innovate the knowledge structures in arts education. We need to include other disciplines into arts education to better illustrate the Chinese stories, increase multicultural and mutual learning, transform rural and urban areas through art, and promote the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. Therefore,  we can adapt to the challenges of social aesthetic education development in the future. I hope that all colleagues and advocates of social aesthetic education will actively participate in the academic events organized by the Social Aesthetic Education Research Sector of the World Chinese Arts Education Association (WCAEA).

张小鹭 教授 研讨会总结





Great Thanks to all the staff  致谢工作人员:

Manuscript Coordinator: Huang Shan, School of Art, Xiamen University

Video Promotion: Zhang Lili, Shanghai JianQiao University

Technical Support: He Chaohui, Xiamen Institute of Software Technology

Coordinator: Zhao Qian, Xiamen Art Museum

文稿统筹:黄珊   厦门大学艺术学院

录像宣传:章莉莉   上海建桥学院

技术保障:何朝辉   厦门软件职业技术学院

主持协调:赵倩   厦门市美术馆


Technical Support: Chen Chen

Design: Huang Yina Su Binyu

Line Editor: Hu Xiyi, Wu Hua, Shi Hongwei

Translation: Xiangzhu Chen, Yubin Su, Xinyi Cai, Yin Fang, Hua Wu, Jiheng Li, Xiyi Hu, Xue Xia, Yina Huang, Chen Chen, Xiaojing Liu, Hongwei Shi, Yanxi Chen.


设计:黄艺娜  苏斌瑜  

线编:胡希夷  吴华 石宏伟

翻译:陈香竹、苏斌瑜、蔡心翼、方颖、吴 华、李纪恒、胡希夷、夏雪、杨婷、黄艺娜、陈晨、刘晓晶、石宏伟、陈彦希


WCAEA International Affairs Division  世华国际部

Final Review: Yang Deng, Pennsylvania State University

Proofreading: Chiping Lai, Pratt Institute; Yang Deng.

终审:邓暘  美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学

翻译校对:赖季屏  美国普瑞特艺术学院 




Cyan Art is committed to promoting the development of contemporary art to create an efficient, open, and free artistic and cultural exchange platform with a modern vision, international platform, and standardized operation. We also provide art courses, art space rental, sales exhibitions for art and design derivatives, consultation for contemporary art collections and investment, curation, and other services. The space, located at No. 583 Hengtian Road, Jimei District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, covers an area of more than 1,500 square meters. The art space is designed under the modernist minimalism with white tone and movable boards to meet different exhibition needs. Cyan Art focuses on the promotion and academic research of contemporary art and regularly hosts high-quality and contemporary art exhibitions, as well as academic exchange forums, lectures, art salons, and other related events.


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